Post by soonercruiser on Feb 21, 2008 18:59:47 GMT -8
What do you think about the BTG strut tower brace? Several folks have recommended that a strut tower brace be the first significant mod I should do. pappyspt.tripod.com/id48.htm#btg_gt_turbo_shock_tower_brace Most of the inexpensive ones I have seen are just "tubes" and mounted with 2 bolts. The BTG is a rail, and mounts to all 3 strut bolts. For upper body stiffness, is "bigger better" Thanks
Post by Candyman on Feb 23, 2008 0:51:30 GMT -8
Hey Frank,
That one is actually a pretty good question, and I wish I had a good answer for you! i was going to put a strut bar on my PT, but after I put my drop springs, and cut the bump stops in half, my suspension travel is close to nothing so I have no body roll, and therefore no need for a strut bar.The best person I would recommend for a little more info on this subject would be Captain Cog! Since he races his PT's, and pushes them to the limits, I am willing to bet he has a pretty good handle on how to get the most out of the suspension!
I do know that California Cruisers "I know it is not our favorite place of choice guys" used to make a good yellow strut bar, but they have since discontinued the product. Their are several strut bars out their, but if I could recommend anything, it would be to shy away from any of them built out of aluminum! They may look nice, and shiney, but the have no strength, and will do very little to contol the body roll around corners!
I wish I had more info to offer you! I wish you the best of luck on your project, and please let us know if you do dicide to put one on, and how it works for you!
Thank You,
Post by soonercruiser on Feb 25, 2008 20:55:46 GMT -8
Candyman, FYI Bottom line is: The tubular ones like Maggie sells at Race & Street are all that is made now. On another forum there were several comments to stay away from "APC" - I'm not sure why. (Now, my guess is that the "Freedom Design" is..... freedom to change your plugs without having to remove the strut bar.)
Post by soonercruiser on Mar 10, 2008 19:39:48 GMT -8
Put the strut tower bar on Sunday. Didn't even take me an hour....and I am very rookie slow. The Freedom Bar comes with a new bracket to move the selenoids out of the way. I did notice a bit more firmness in the vert over moderate bumps, when you see the windshield wiggle.